Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It has been too long!

I have not blogged in quite awhile!
How has my running been going? Well, let's see... I gained 10lbs over the holiday, so I'm going to say not well.
However, I'm back on track. I ran 2 miles yesterday and it felt GREAT! I ran on the treadmill without stopping or even slowing down. It was awesome. But, I'm worried about hills. I've been running on just flat ground and I know I need to include hills. I'm going to run another 2 miles today but this time put the treadmill setting on the "hill" workout.
Hills kick my ass. I used to love hills because I would charge up them and pass everyone during races and then stride down the hill like a mo-fo. But not anymore. I'm a WIMP. I won't even go outside to run, it's really f-ing cold... but yea it wouldn't have phased me in high school.
Time to "man up".

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This is the half marathon I'm going to run on April 10th 2010.

I also have a training plan starting 1/4/10, thanks to Rosie!

Now I just need to follow through. I can do it!

Come on!

So I am a lazy ass. I have not ran in a week. Josh bought me new shoes for an early Christmas gift, but the gym is closed this week and next week for the holidays and I am a wimp so I don't want to run outside. I'm pretty sure I can bring myself to run outside tomorrow and Thursday. Tomorrow I have no excuses (tonight I'm going down to Onsted) and Thursday (Christmas Eve) I'm only working a half day and I have no plans so there is no reason I can't fit in a jog.
I also haven't been doing very well with my ab workouts. I did a little last night.
I could just say screw it until after the new year, but I don't want to. Plus, I can't wait that long to use my new shoes!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


One mile, then 4 half mile repeats at around 4 minutes. I'm a slow ass :) But it felt good and no matter how bad I wanted to just stop, I didn't.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Today felt great!

Yay! 3 miles on the treadmill! And it was faster than my 5k last week, although I was on a treadmill with flat terrain the whole way... just trying to be positive :)
I stretched, abs, a little bit of arms and then the eliptical for 30 minutes. Very successful workout! I felt so good. I meant to go 4 miles but I just can't seem to pace myself. The farther into the run I get the more I think, ok I need to go faster because this is what I'm on pace for and that is ass slow. So I speed up and then am too exhausted to finish. What I need to accept is that I am ass slow right now :) I'm training for a MARATHON, not a 5k. But... maybe I do need to seriously focus on smaller races right now. I have almost a year until the marathon. It's just 26.2 miles is SOOOO far! I'm scared! lol
I've been researching different marathons in Florida and came across this one:
It doesn't seem like there are many marathons planned in Florida for the fall, but I'm thinking that is because that is still a ways away :)
Good Night!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tomorrow is another day...

I was totally going to go to the gym and run 4 miles but then I realized there was no way I was running 4 miles on a treadmill without some tunes. But, my ipod was dead... so, what a great reason not to run?
It was still a productive night because I downloaded a crapload of songs I've been meaning to and recharged my ipod, re-synced it.
There will be ab-work done before bed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thanks Ash :)

I was totally just going to stay in and play WoW and maybe do a few sit ups but then I read Ashley's blog (my marathon partner) from Monday and I knew I couldn't. She did 4x1 mile repeats. I need to get my ass in gear! So, I ran. Not far, a little over a mile, but very fast because it was COLD!!! 27 degrees F, 12 degree wind chill, 42 mph wind! Yea... it was a short run :)
I just looked up one of Britney Spears' ab workouts and I'm totally going to do it. It's so simple but it's going to kick my ass. Yes! I want to do it 3x a week. I can do it!

This is it:
crunches x 50 reps
side crunches x 25 reps on each side
bicycle crunches x 50 reps
hip thrusts x as many as you can!

They were very specific in the video about how to do these. Keep your shoulders off the ground (except hip thrusts), pause at the top of each crunch, don't rock, keep your eyes on the ceiling.
Here's the link for anyone interested:
So I'm going to go do that, then relax for the evening!